Monday, October 6, 2014

Google Docs Quick Create

"I have too much time on my hands!" said no teacher ever.  Educators are busy people - always teaching, always learning.  Today I want to share a great little tool that will streamline a process you go through multiple times each day.  Do you use Google Apps?  If you do, you are going to love this!

I've told you before, and I'll tell you again - I highly recommend using Google Chrome as your internet browser.  Why?  There are a hundred reasons why.  I'll tell you about one of them today - extensions.  Extensions are little utilities you install within the Chrome browser.  Because you log in to Google Chrome, these extensions will follow you wherever you log in.  You log in at home, your extensions are there.  You log in at work, your extensions are there.  You get the idea.  Just so you know, Chrome extensions will not work when you are logged in on an iPhone or iPad.  These extensions can be accessed through the Google Chrome Store.  You can click on my link, or just search "Chrome Store" and it will probably be the first thing that comes up.

Once you are in the Chrome Web Store, you want to search for the extension you wish to install.  The extension I want to share with you today is called Google Docs Quick Create.  This will open a new Google Doc, Spreadsheet, Presentation, Form, or Drawing from whatever tab you are currently browsing in.  You no longer have to navigate to in order to create a new Google Doc.

When you type "quick create" into the search bar, there are two types of utilities that will come up - apps and extensions.  Apps come up at the top of the list, and extensions will come up at the bottom.  Apps are separate programs or shortcuts to websites that you can log into and use.  Extensions are utilities that work within the Chrome browser.

Under extensions, you will see Google Drive Quick Create and Google Docs Quick Create.  I prefer the Docs one over the Drive one because the Drive one doesn't have a shortcut for Forms, and I use Forms quite often.

Click on the blue "Free" next to the Docs extension.  You will get a little pop up that asks if you are sure you want to add the extension.  Click "Add".

Now you will have a little Google Drive symbol to the right of your Omnibox (the place where you type web addresses).  There will also be a little green banner across the extension in the store window, showing it is now added.

Ta da!  Now, no matter what you are working on, or what webpage you are currently browsing, you can click on your little drive extension and open a new Google Doc.  Productivity streamlined.

I'd like to thank @coach_sv for sharing this awesome tool with me.

Thank you for stopping by the TeachingTechNix blog.  I hope this tip has been helpful.  Stop by again soon for more handy tech tips!  

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