Things are busy, but they are always busy. There is always a reason to wait. After progress reports, after this unit, after the test, after the break, after I grade these papers, after, after, after. My challenge to you is to not wait until after. Start now. Pick one new thing that you want to try this year and then do it. It doesn't have to be big and time consuming. It can be a small thing, just something different. Find one new thing - one way to stretch yourself as an educator, one way to show your students that you are a learner too. Pick one new thing and try it - do it now - not after. Don't wait, because "after this chapter" turns into "after the summer" before you know it. Don't miss this chance to grow.
Want to do one new thing, but you aren't sure what to do? Here are some ideas that don't take a ton of time to try out:
- Do a Kahoot activity with your students - guaranteed excitement!
- Create a Socrative activity for your class.
- Build a Google Form for your students to complete in class or as homework.
- Get a Twitter account just for professional growth and check it once a day, or once a week, whatever you have time for. Tweet out that joining Twitter is your #OneNewThing and use the hashtag.
- Use Google Slides instead of PowerPoint to create your next slideshow.
- Create a Padlet for your students during your next unit. Link useful websites, articles, documents, and YouTube videos OR create a blank Padlet and require students (they don't need accounts to post!) to post their thoughts about a class topic to start a discussion. They can post anonymously or include their names - up to you.
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